State Convention and Events

2024 AAUW of Hawaii Annual Meeting

During the AAUW of Hawaii Annual Meeting on June 12th, Miyoko T Pettit-Toledo, Assistant Professor of Law at William S. Richardson School of Law, spoke on “Two Years After Dobbs: The Future of Reproductive Justice in Hawai‘i and Beyond” and the members and supporters of AAUW of Hawaii had a chance to have a meaningful dialogue .    The annual meeting also covered the state budget, update on the public policies, and welcomed new state and branch elected officers.  Click here for the business update and here for Dr. Pettit-Toledo’s presentation.  

2024 AAUW of Hawaii Day of Action

On March 7, 2024, 33 AAUW of Hawaii members representing all 6 branches, including 16 AAUW members from neighbor islands and 5 UH students gathered to advoate for paid family and medical leave,  SB2474, and the child care subsidy bills HB1964 and HB2535. The group shared personal stories to encourage our legislators to vote to pass these important legislative items.

During lunch at the YWCA, 40 AAUW of Hawaii members and 9 UH students listened as Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke presented the Governor’s Equal Pay Day Proclamation to us, and gave an update on the newly created public pre-schools. After the luncheon, a meeting was held to explain the change in national AAUW by-laws, which will allow anyone to join AAUW with or without a college degree. A postcard writing time allowed this information to be shared with all Hawaii AAUW members before the upcoming email vote.

Join the AAUW Hawaii public policy network if you want to be notified of AAUW Hawaii’s 2025 legislative work and lobby day.

2023 AAUW of Hawaii Lobby Day

Members of AAUW of Hawaii convened at the Hawaii State Capitol on March 15th, 2023 to  advocate with Hawaii state legislators for the equal pay bill, SB1057.    We also joined Planned Parenthood Advocates Alliance Hawaii to advocate for reproductive rights bills including SB1.

SB1 became a Hawaii state law on March 22, 2023 effective immediately.  See the state level abortion policies post Roe.  We know we are fortunate to live in a state with abortion access.  SB1057 became a Hawaii state law on July 5, 2023 effective January 1, 2024.  See research on how pay transparency improves business outcome and productivity.  Mahalo to the state legislators, governor and AAUW partners for their leadership and support.


2022 AAUW of Hawaii State Convention

It was inspiring to be a part of a community across the Hawaiian islands committed to advocating for the women and girls of Hawai’i.  Mahalo to AAUW Hilo for hosting the convention, the wonderful speakers who shared their knowledge about their respective fields, and the members who donated to send the UH Manoa and KCC students to the convention.

Time/Date: September 30th to October 2nd, 2022

Location: Volcano, Hawaiʻi at Kilauea Military Camp

Theme: Climate Change and its Impact on Women

Kristen Kubut, Executive Director of Recycle Hawaii discussed the nexus between plastic and climate change; micro-plastic pollution in human systems.

Anna Ezzy, Graduate student at U H Hilo discussed Environmental Science Agroforestry to combat climate change and support food sources

Layla Kilolu, PHD student at UH Manoa, Urban and Regional Planning discussed climate change and social equity/indigenous perspectives

Joanna Amberger, president of AAUW Hawaii, and Malinda Gaul, Board Vice Chair of AAUW National, gave us an update on national and state-level business.

Jennifer Stotter, Director and Title IX Coordinator, Office of Equal Opportunity UH Hilo, recently made Commissioner representing Hawaii Island on the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women (HSCSW) discussed Equality for Women.

Other Past Events

2023 AAUW Hawaii Annual Meeting – Slides

2022 Big Island AAUW LWV Candidate Forum – Recording

2022 Oahu AAUW LWV Candidate Forum – Recording

2022 AAUW Hawaii Annual Meeting – Slides

2022 Lieutenant Governor Primary Candidate Forum – Recording

2022 Governor Primary Candidate Forum – Recording

Forum on 2022 Legislative Session – Recording

 2021 Annual Meeting – Slides